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Be The Cheerleader Of Your Team

Successes and setbacks are a part of every organisation’s day-to-day workings. Sometimes there are roadblocks; sometimes, it’s a winning streak; however, one must ensure that the team’s morale is not lost in this cycle of ups and downs.


By Parul Kumar | Times Ascent

The managers must realise that an enthusiastic and motivated team is key to achieving milestones. Failures and wins will come and go, but what should remain unchanged is the undying spirit of the teammates to face challenges. 

Sadly, as all employees are human beings only, it is natural to lose interest, passion and the will to overcome difficult situations and give up. In such cases, the upper management must take charge and become the team’s cheerleader!

An ideal workplace regularly promotes strong morale to inspire employees to go above and beyond. Low team morale is a common occurrence in the workplace. Organisations have low morale moments for a variety of reasons. The main challenge you have as a manager is figuring out how to have an actual impact on your team and make a difference.

To ease the load off your shoulder, here a few hacks to boost your team’s morale:

1. Be A Leader And Role Model: A great leader is also a motivator. You must inspire your team to uplift from the gloominess and lead the way by tackling the situation step by step. Remember, your team looks up to you, so it is extremely important that you do not lose your cool in such testing times. 

2. Restore Their Faith And Enthusiasm: You must encourage your team to look on the bright side of situations and draw on previous experiences where you solved problems as a team. Most importantly, make your teammates feel comfortable that the organisation is there for them at all points of time. Faith in the organisation pushes them to make the best of their abilities. 

3. A Token Of Appreciation Goes A Long Way: The key to being a team cheerleader is acknowledging and appreciating even the tiniest achievements. To encourage them to perform admirably, Let your staff know that their hard work makes a difference even during a crisis.

4. Turn Challenges Into Learning Opportunities: Most millennial employees do not lose morale because of stressful situations but because of routine work and no growth opportunities. In such cases, you need to make them look at mundane tasks from a different vantage point. Amend your work strategy and make them look at these challenges as growth opportunities. 

5. Nail The Art Of Effective Communication: Most crises lead to devastating effects due to a lack of effective communication. As a team lead, you must communicate well with your team; otherwise, you won’t be able to motivate them. Let them know that you read their emotions, give them a sympathetic ear and listen to their problems. Make yourself a trustworthy mentor who can usefully communicate the company’s and the employees’ points of view. 

In a nutshell, there is no big magic to keep the workplace active and exciting. Still, if you just employ the above proven simple tricks, you can significantly improve team morale in virtually any situation.


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