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Do not get confused between CV & Resume

Believe it or not, we all have been confused at some point of time in our carrier what is the exact difference between a resume and a CV. Sounds legit, right?


By Aadhyatm Verma | Times Ascent

Well, if you still don’t know the precise difference between the two, here’s a quick read that you might want to give yourself.

First of all, a CV and a resume are not entirely different. They do have similarities like:

  • They are both personalized to the specific job/company you are applying to
  • They should position you as the most qualified candidate
  • They are used to get you an interview
  • And they seldom incorporate personal interests.

If you are applying for positions in both academia and industry (private or public sector), you will need to prepare a resume and a CV.

Now, what is the difference?             

In several European nations, the term CV refers to all job application materials, including resumes. CV and resume are sometimes used interchangeably in the United States and Canada. If you are unsure about the type of paper to submit, it is preferable to seek clarification.


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