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Things To Avoid While Writing a Resume

Hiring managers receive an average of 75 resumes for each post, and you only have a few seconds to ensure that yours is among the first to be considered.


By Tanisha Gupta | Times Ascent

The idea is to have a resume that is clean and easy to scan. Don't clog up your resume with irrelevant information! If you want to get hired, there are a few things you should never mention on your resume.

  1. Personal Information: Personal information, such as marital status, children's ages, religious affiliation, preferred hobbies, and so on, should not be included on a resume because it is not professional. Personal information should be replaced with your achievements and prospective grounds for the employer to choose you.
  1. Irrelevant work experience: Only mention less relevant positions if they demonstrate a skill that will benefit you in your new employment. If you're a recent graduate with little work experience, you might list these earlier positions and emphasise the skills you obtained.
  1. Partial or False Claims: Don't make inaccurate or partial claims, exaggerate, or deceive. This erodes the employee's credibility.   Include only those skills you honestly possess and are relevant to the position you are looking for. Before mentioning any skill, learn it first so that your CV reflects your personality perfectly.
  1. Unprofessional email address: Your email address should appear professional, not casual or colloquial (like the Instagram usernames). The ideal practice is to use a variation of your real name as your email address. Using your name in your email can prevent it from getting lost in the inbox of the recruiting manager.
  1. Spelling errors or bad grammar: If you're not careful with the specifics of a resume, no matter how qualified or appealing the applicant is, the assumption is that you won't be cautious with the minute details of a job. Proofread your work multiple times to ensure there are no avoidable errors.

Hence, to avoid your resume being landing up in trash and rather getting up into the possibility pile, these things are a must to keep in mind while writing a resume.


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